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Hursley Supermarine Staff 1943.png

About the project

"The Supermariners" is a project dedicated to preserving and telling the story of the men and women who worked for Vickers Armstrongs Supermarine.


It was "The Supermariners"" who designed and built not only the legendary Spitfire but also the oft forgotten flying boats and jet fighters and who built the planes that won the Schneider Trophy for Britain..


It aims to:


  • Allow those "who were there" to record their personal recollections of working for the company.


  • For relatives of "Supermariners" to add the stories they were told or to find out more about what their relatives did at Supermarine. 


I hope that people will find reading those stories and recollections that have already been included to be both interesting and informative.


However, I also hope that it will inspire people to contribute their own recollections, photographs and memorabilia to help future generations understand what being a "Supermariner" was and why it was so special.

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